This story is over 5 years old.


A Handy Pocket Guide to Foreign Translations of Rap Names

Last Friday, keen-eyed Twit-wit, Andrew Bloch, noticed something slightly askew in his copy of Malaysia's top-selling English-language periodical, The Star: namely, that America's third richest hip-hop star, 50 Cent, was only worth RM1.50 in local...

Last Friday, keen-eyed Twit-wit, Andrew Bloch, noticed something slightly askew in his copy of Malaysia’s top-selling English-language periodical, The Star: namely, that America’s third richest hip-hop star, 50 Cent, was only worth RM1.50 in local currency.

An innocent mistake by an over-zealous, under-hip copy editor? Well, yes. Nonetheless, the amusing misappropriation started me thinking. There are plenty of current and latter-day MCs whose pseudonymous handles have the potential for inadvertent cross-border translations. How might those folks be referred to in different parts of the world?


Forthwith, a less-than-comprehensive compendium (presented in graphic form for various reasons we can discuss over tea, if you’d like):

Hat tip to Benjy Sarlin.
