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Video Time Machine, the App for iPhone and iPad is Actually Worth Buying

h5. I wish there were some hip videos of Abe Lincoln. He's my favorite. I hate that one "friend" everyone has that always brings up television shows from yesteryear and is all like, "remember this song?" and starts singing the _Punky Brewster...
I wish there were some hip videos of Abe Lincoln. He’s my favorite.

I hate that one “friend” everyone has that always brings up television shows from yesteryear and is all like, “remember this song?” and starts singing the Punky Brewster theme song. They're the people who wear old timey Dr. Pepper T-shirts and constantly embarrass themselves at bars by being horribly nostalgic for the lamest of things. Don't get me wrong, I miss filling my tank for ten bucks and not having to wear a push-up bra, but at least those are relevant.

That's why when I heard about the Video Time Machine app for the iPad and iPhone, I was hesitant to check it out, but it turned out to be the best ninety-nine cents I've ever spent.

Here is one of the most boring, nerdy commercial-type things for Video Time Machine you’ll ever see.

Video Time Machine is currently the number one selling app for the iPad, and number two for the iPhone, in Entertainment. Matt Capucilli, a freelancer and Flash developer who lives in the East Village, came up with the idea with some help from two pals, and now they are laughing all the way to the bank. Well, I'm not quite sure if they actually laugh en route to their respective financial institutions, but if I were making seventy cents each time someone bought my app, I would totally be having a chuckle.

Anyway, Video Time Machine has seven categories that you can chose from starting in the year 1888 with the first recorded sound. My recommendation is to stick to the real old videos, including but not limited to one of Coney Island in the 1920s. Hilarious. True story: I went to Coney Island last week because I had never been, and I totally thought it would be like the clip of it on Video Time Machine, replete with upbeat organ music and dapper gentlemen moving all herky-jerky on the boardwalk, arm in arm with ladies carrying parasols. Well guess what, not to spoil anything for you, but Coney Island it nothing like that. All I saw there were kids getting wailed on by their parents and swarms of dudes with mullets.

There are also a bunch of videos from Thomas Edison's crummy little studio, and we all know Edison was a real piece of shit, but I guess they're kind of neat from a historical standpoint. Seriously though, who hates on Tesla and forces cats to box, most uncool.

Aside from the Edison clips, Video Time Machine is a fun app to check out. And Matt Capucilli doesn't seem like a douchebag at all, which is always nice. Does it bum me out that he has tons of success and money and he's twenty-nine just like me? Yup. Maybe his next invention can be an actual time machine, because I would give twenty years off my life for one of those. I mean, if I could make seventy cents off every dollar for an app I invented, I would finally be able to buy the complete series of the X-Files on DVD. And what could be better than that?