This story is over 5 years old.


London's "Sky Pool" Looks Like You're Swimming in the Sky

The suspended aquarium will soon rise above residents of London’s Nine Elms district.
All images courtesy of Arup Associates

Looking something like a crystalline bridge, a suspended swimming pool will soon rise above residents of London’s Nine Elms district. The “Sky Pool” was designed by Arup Associates for Ballymore Properties’ Embassy Gardens project and will span between two of the new development’s residential buildings. As Arup describes on their project page, “It is designed to feel like an aquarium and the added feature of ‘height’ creates the sensation of ‘swimming through the air.’ The ‘sky deck’ will be placed at the top of the two apartment blocks and incorporate a spa, summer bar, and Orangery, providing an escape from fast paced London life.” From within the waters of the 115' contraption made from transparent acrylic, swimmers will be privy to views of the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, and the ant-like passersby far below.


For those not enjoying the view from above, however, this (nearly) literal glass ceiling comes at a tensional moment in London's strife with over-gentrification—a necessary sidenote to an otherwise delightfully grand endeavor. Check out the Sky Pool in renderings below:

Read more about Arup Associates' ambitious plans on their project page.


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