This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog

Crass comercialism, the douched 80s

A few nights back I was having dinner with the wife and a few of her friends at a foreign restaurant and the topic of douching came up. I believe that I referred to a friend of theirs as a "douche bag" and the table stared at me in utter confusion. I thought for a moment that I'd upset the tide of the conversation by slandering a friend of theirs, but no. Much to my chagrin, the females at the table (except for my wife because she lives with me and has had this conversation with me before) were, for the most part, completely in the dark to the wonderful world of pre-bagged vaginal showers. I quickly explained myself and the product to the fullest of my ability and was then surrounded by shocked and somewhat engrossed females. Not in their foggiest dreams would they have thought up such a contraption. But, seriously though, who the fuck doesn't know what a douche bag is in 2009? Obviously most Aussie broads, that's who! Since the birds around here need some learning, please allow me to satiate your thirst for knowledge with a little crass commercialism.


Still baffled?:

Here's a little 90's action:

And Just to drive the point home:

I hope all y'all ladies get the picture nice and clearly now. Good day, ma'am.