This story is over 5 years old.


Hot Links: iPhone 5 Blows Up, Opposition to Apollo, Halliburton Lost a Radioactive Fracking Tool

Hot Links is Motherboard's weekly roundup of key stories from the weekend you need to read.

Here’s yet another thing for Japan to worry about: Stately Mt. Fuji.

Apple has sold two million iPhone 5 units in 24 hours, doubling the sales output of the 4S at launch.

Groan: Halliburton lost a radioactive fracking tool, somehow, but the FBI says the firm is all clear.

Google blocked the “Innocence of Muslims” video in Indonesia, India, and Malaysia, signaling a change from YouTube’s previous statement that it wouldn’t take the video down.


A fascinating look back at the opposition to the Apollo program.

How bees decide what role they want to have.

America’s school system has always sucked, so why does it matter now?

The looming “fiscal cliff” of federal budget cuts coming under sequestration could cost NASA $1.3 billion

Image via Nature

Canon just dropped a bevy of new cameras, if you’re into that sort of thing. The new 6D, following Nikon’s D600, shows that full-frame sensors are nearing consumer price points.

Here’s a doozy: Despite 50 years of research, the military has yet to produce a microwave weapon.

Surprise! Coral reefs are near total collapse, and the window we have to save them is closing rapidly.

Speaking of collapses, bats are dying in droves from white-nose syndrome, and to prevent a catastrophic die-off, conservationists are building artificial caves like this one.

Obvious headline of the week: “BALLMER: ‘Google Is Just Another Big Company’

Shuttle Endeavor is coming to Los Angeles.