This story is over 5 years old.


Flamingods Go Hog-Wild For a Weekend

EE gave London/Bahrain based noise-makers Flamingods a Huawei P9 and told them to go hog-wild for a weekend.

In collaboration with EE – as part of the 'Snap Judgment' series – we gave London/Bahrain based noise-makers Flamingods a Huawei P9 and told them to go hog-wild for a weekend, then tell us all about it via the medium of text and pictures. It came out great, and is written in their own words.

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On Friday we got asked to play a stomach-themed warehouse party in Hackney. It came with the following stipulations: "Please come as a stomach item: maybe that marble you swallowed as a child, a piece of toast you burnt on your way to work, or something from the pharmaceutical family." It was a great theme.


Our conditions were that we would play if they dressed us up as tropical fruit and to our surprise they followed through, creating some excellent costumes and giving our set a new fruity feel. As our set up has gotten bigger over the years and we’ve ended up with more expensive gear, we stopped playing house parties, and we had forgotten how fun they could be. I can only imagine that the sight of five grown men dressed up as fruit bashing away at our concoction of exotic psychedelia would be a stimulating experience. The after party was also quite a messy one.

The next morning was difficult. We had a performance scheduled at Rough Trade for 7pm for End of the Road Festival's pre-festival party. We had to pick up all our instruments from that house party and get to the venue for 5pm for setup. Most members were AWOL and unreachable due to the previous night's escapades, but we somehow managed to pull it together and play a decent show.

We celebrated by going to our favourite Turkish restaurant in Dalston, Aziziye, before playing two DJ sets at both Birthdays and Total Refreshment Centre. A real fun weekend that felt refreshing and outrageous at the same time.

These fantastic photos were taken on the Huawei P9 with the new dual lens camera co-engineered with Leica.
Head over here for more details.